This series of experiments in converting vacuum energy to electrical
energy was done around February 2, 2010. These experiment were based on the
1st design idea approach
from January 14, using a spark gap and one canister.
Experiments were done with both a Van de Graaff machine and a
high voltage power supply having positive,
negative and ground terminals. The resulting output was
looked at with an oscilloscope but the main test was using an
analog multimeter to check for current. There was no more significant
current than could be expected if ions were coming from the spark
Arcing at the spark gap.
Testing with Van de Graaff machine.
After the null test results, the device was disassembled and a
compass placed near the coil
to test for a significant magnetic field during arcing, the
presence of the magnetic field being essential to the
theory being tested. Both the
Van de Graaff machine and a
30kV power supply were used for the test, the Van de Graaff
supplying a much weaker arc than the 30kV PSU. Very small oscillations
occurred with the compass needle when arcing was started but quickly
damped out to no movement. So a new coil with turns closer together
will be made.
Coil sitting on compass.
Testing with Van de Graaff machine.