These are very preliminary results for testing a theory of the
basic power producing principle of the Testatika. It's basically the
Principle Experiment but using a full
disk in place of a rotor arm and using pots (the two cans that look like Leyden
jars) in place of a stack of meshes/insulators. The starting point for
this was this Wimshurst machine
though very little is left in use.
Using this setup, a theory was tested for how the pots
produce DC.
The pots (the two cans that look like Leyden jars) are
documented here.
The following are very preliminary scope shots intended just to show the
general waveform under different conditions. The measurements are done as
per the wiring diagram above (look for CH1 and CH2, oscilloscope channel 1
and channel 2.) Note that the output being shown is the center grids of
the pots which is, supposedly, where the output of the real testatika
is taken from for powering loads. The disk rotation for all cases was around
285 RPM.
With the Van de Graaff generator turned off and everything
With the Van de Graaff generator running. Frequenct arcing is
occurring at various places and the resulting clicking sounds are audible.
This is after the Van de Graaff has been turned off for
about 10 seconds and nothing has been discharged.