Testatika Experiments - What's New Archive

This is an archive of the list of the updates made to the testatika experiments pages over the years.

What's New

September 2, 2009    Update on some recent work with a 276mm wire woven disk and well insulated HV plates for the back behind the antenna keys.
January 14, 2009    Added a new theory to the theories page about a correlation between the testatika's magnet circuit and Hans Coler's Stromerzeuger.
November 12, 2008    Added a new theory to the theories page about a correlation between the testatika and how the Hyde generator produce excess power.
April 9, 2008    Added a new theory to the theories page about the high power being the result of a 3 stage circuit.
April 1, 2008    Added a page about vinyl testing with the single disk small machine.
February 26, 2008    Added a page off of the overview page containing videos of some of the testatika machines.
January 8, 2008    Added a page about using two sectors of a Wimshurst machine with a coil wrapped around the pulley as an RF LC resonant circuit.
January 7, 2008    Added a page containing an analysis of the grids and coils in the top left/right corners of the 3kW machine.
December 22, 2007    Added a page describing the my second series of Testatika magnet experiments, including Linden experiment tests using my UHF POS400+ oscillator circuit.
November 24, 2007    Added a page describing the Principle Experiment. This was needed due to the new information about a bell shaped base.
September 16, 2007    Found a magnet that may be the same type used in the Linden Experiment.
August 8, 2007    Added a page decribing a theory where the 3kW testatika is a variable capacitor acting as a charge pump.
July 20, 2007    Added a page decribing recent experiments powering my testatika-like setup with a HV DC power supply and using two different pots to get DC output. Also, documented mark 4 pots.
July 9, 2007    Added a page decribing use of a vinyl (i.e. easily chargable) disk for the back disk.
July 7, 2007    Added a page decribing my new discs built based on my analysis of the 3kW testatika machine.
June 24, 2007    Added a page decribing the Linden Experiment. It is linked to from the overview page. Note that I've also highlighted the similarity between it and the Roy Meyers device.
February 20, 2007    Uploaded testatika clone from or by Jorge Resines information to a new page (since it keeps appearing and disappearing from our ever-changing World Wide Web :-)) and added a link in the Work Done by Others section below.
February 4, 2007    New sparking pots tests but with the load wired in the same place as on the actual testatikas.
December 18, 2006    More pots testing this time with a spark gap for each pot and a Wimshurst machine driving it.
October 21, 2006    New photo showing the 3kW machine's front disc is transparent.
September 14, 2006    New analysis of the 3kW machine's sectors.
September 7, 2006    New theory and tests of how the pots produce DC.
September 1, 2006    New test machine begun. A link was also added below in the Work Done by Author section.
July 26, 2006    New theories and observations page. A link was also added below.
April 18, 2006    Added link at bottom below to work done by Sven Bosnich.
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